aktu convocation 2021 | aktu gold medalist 2021

AKTU M.Pharm Syllabus

 M.Pharm I Year 

  1. Pharmacology (Proposed) Syllabus- Effective from the Session 2017-18 : Click Here
  2. Pharmacognosy (Proposed) Syllabus- Effective from the Session 2017-18 : Click Here
  3. Pharmaceutics (Proposed) Syllabus- Effective from the Session 2017-18 : Click Here
  4. Pharmaceutical Regulatory Affairs (Proposed) Syllabus- Effective from the Session 2017-18 : Click Here
  5. Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance (Proposed) Syllabus- Effective from the Session 2017-18 : Click Here
  6. Pharmaceutical Chemistry (Proposed) Syllabus- Effective from the Session 2017-18 : Click Here
  7. Pharmaceutical Analysis (Proposed) Syllabus- Effective from the Session 2017-18 : Click Here
M.Pharm II Year
2nd Year Syllabus as per PCI : Click Here
